Here at OneTech diversity and inclusion is not just an afterthought, but instead at the heart of everything we do.
We believe there is untapped potential in underserved communities, for potential founders, investors, business owners, managers and entrepreneurs. We believe that investing in these communities is the only way to create lasting, impactful social change.We are always striving to do more and to better serve the communities that have for so long been overlooked.
We believe that access to the right resources, connections and capital will seek to change this. Find out about more ways you can support us - here.
1p out of every £1 invested goes to all-female led teams.
15% of the UK digital tech workforce of BAME origin.
49% of all investment teams have no female reps.
19% of the UK working population have a disability.
OneTech is a catalyst for inclusion in the startup ecosystem. We provide underserved communities with the network, skills and confidence to start and sustain a business.
Our vision is an inclusive ecosystem where everyone has equal access and opportunity to innovate, succeed and thrive.
At the heart of our mission to challenge inequity and lack of diversity, we have six core values that we cite daily.
We create a safe and supportive environment fostering self-care and personal growth.
We're very proud of our team of experts and the delivery partners we're able to work alongside. Get to know them here!