J.P. Morgan Chase & Partners - open to people based in London
OneTech, Capital Enterprise
Application dates

From: January 3rd, 2023

To: February 2nd, 2024

Programme dates

From: February 13, 2024

To: March 26, 2024


Bootstrap School (JPM)

Are you looking to scale your business without having to raise venture funding? Bootstrap School empowers early-stage Founders (like you) with the skills to grow their businesses by optimising resources and establishing sustainable revenue-based business models.

This programme is all about increasing traction and gaining sustainable revenue. Traction is how well your business idea is being received by its target marketplace, which can be measured in terms of customers or revenue. Across 8 weeks, you will engage with practical methods of activating your Sales Funnel (your customer's journey) to successfully turn your target audience into paying customers.

With our programme, you won't need to sell equity to achieve your goals. Our curriculum covers a wide range of topics, including the lean business model canvas, product development, and marketing strategies. Additionally, we have integrated personalised coaching ‘surgeries’ to help you apply the concepts you learn in the sessions to your specific business. You'll also have access to our community and network of entrepreneurs and industry experts, who can provide you with valuable insights and feedback. With Bootstrap School, you can gain the knowledge and skills you need to succeed in today's competitive business landscape.


  1. A comprehensive overview of how to Bootstrap a business
  2. A detailed idea of how to create a product strategy, how to develop a sales funnel and how to use email and traffic to promote your business
  • Introduction to Bootstrapping (Finance)
  • Business Model & Economics
  • Your Customer and Their Problem
  • Landing Pages & Lead Magnets
  • Product Strategy
  • The Sales Funnel/Product Ecosystem
  • Email Marketing
  • Scaling Up / Traffic & Copy
7 weeks (plus, post programme support)